Firewood for Pizza Ovens and Grills

Do you have an appetite for high quality firewood?
For restaurants with pizza ovens and open grills, quality firewood is a must. Burning longer, burning hotter and burning cleaner; kiln-dried firewood from the best logs is what you need for a smoke and ember free, efficient cooking process. When you’re cooking mouthwatering food, kiln-dried firewood is an essential ingredient. Get logs for your pizza oven or open grill delivered straight to your door.
New Firewood
If you have a pizza oven we have the right logs for you. The best possible species you can use in your oven is Beech. We can split the Beech to a length that’s appropriate to your oven. There’s no better species due to its burning characteristics. Beech burns fiercely with a bright flame and gives the pizza a distinctive smell and taste. The fierce burn creates really high temperatures in your oven, which is really important. We can split and dry the beech in our kiln to remove nearly all the moisture in the wood to ensure it ignites and burns as effectively as it can.
If you have a fire pit then we have a few products which will be right for you. Our large softwood logs are perfect for the bigger firepit or campfire. These kiln dried logs will ignite easily but last a bit longer than normal size softwood logs due to their size. Or you can choose our fire pit kit. This has 5 bags of kiln dried softwood and 5 bags of kiln dried hardwood, a pack of firelighters and a bag of kindling. Use the kindling and firelighters to ignite the softwood then add some hardwood to increase the longevity of the fire. Perfect for those chilly spring or autumn evenings.
Why Logworld Surrey for Firewood for Pizzas and Open Grills?
- Enjoy a reduction in smoke, ash and embers
- Dried hardwood results in a dry, clean heat
- Dried hardwood burns hot, hot, hot – for an even, crisp pizza
- We supply kiln dried ash – perfect for pizza ovens
- Dried hardwood is more efficient and cost effective
- Delivered to your door